Poetry Comparitive Analysis Assignment Answers

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The Veldt

At its very core the veldt is a satirical take on the perils of consumerism where advanced technologies and riches take away the strains and pressures of being human but in improving the material condition the spiritual self is impoverished.

George and Lydia along with their two children move into a chouse that is extremely advanced in terms of technology and it also has an automated room that the children are obsessed with. It is a virtual reality room able to reproduce any place they imagine. Soon they realized that the children are becoming much more obsessed with this automated house and they do not have obey their parents any more. The preoccupation with an easy life has rendered them completely spoilt and the devoid of any emotion.

“I feel like I don’t belong here. The house is wife and mother now and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub bath can? I cannot. Pg 242

This part of the story makes George and Lydia realize the unusual nature of their lives. Their “happy life home” is evidently taking over their humanity and the children are more obsessed with the virtual reality and their actual lives. Despite their comforts and riches the technology is destroying their humanity. It is after this realization that they decide to leave the house and move on to a future that will improve their lives.

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