Phil1032 Defining Happiness Assignment Answers

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  • Subject Name : Philosophy and social imperatives of education

Happiness, Goodness And Justice

It is my view that happiness can be achieved only by way of engaging in good deeds and living an honest and high integrity life as only happiness coming from righteousness is made to last. Happiness is usually referred to as a condition of well-being and satisfaction. It is probably among the most excellent human endeavors (Tamir, Schwartz, Oishi & Kim, 2017, 1448-1459). For as long as one can recall, happiness has been a human endeavor and positive thinking has brought this idea into the domain of scientific study intending to get a greater knowledge of social well-being and fulfilled life. In particular, happiness is known as the optimistic feelings that one has about the pleasurable experiences that one engages in everyday life. Enjoyment, warmth, appreciation, hopefulness, and encouragement are instances of positive feelings that enhance one's happiness and make one thrive. Happiness in psychological literature is referred to as hedonic, the existence of positive feelings, and the avoidance of negative feelings. In a wider sense, human well-being consists of the concepts of both hedonistic and Eudaimonic, the research on which is extensive and explains the basic meaning and intent of life. Over the years, the study on happiness has noticed some important association variables that influence one's happiness. such as type of personality, optimistic feelings vs. pessimistic feelings, behavior on physical health, socioeconomic status and income, loyalty and connection, Ambitions and place, and time (Coffey, 2020).

Popularly translated, the Stoic philosophy of happiness as focusing on internal psychological calmness, the ancient Stoics himself stresses that happiness doesn't comprise of inert emotion but action. He regards ideal reasoning and virtue as a theory which makes up its participator— The Stoic sage preferably happy and free — as a single person, deserving of the greatest order of action. This Stoic sage's self-activity doesn't suggest a separation from the outside world but lies in a totally clear way of coping with life's circumstances (Kondo, 2018, 167-183.).

Stoicism gives ordinary people with a universal understanding of happiness. Stoicism provides one with account for the virtues as the basic origin of spiritual strength. That both personal values and the social values are strongly ingrained in the ideals of Stoicism where the spiritual actors have the absolute moral right of choice, independent of shifts in the outside circumstances. To construct the virtues effectively, one needs to differentiate effectively between what is up to them and what is not up to them. Stoicism has profoundly impacted the growth of two basic elements of virtue ethics.

Stoicism, on the one side, teaches that one ought to make the most use of what is with one's control because one can enjoy the full virtuous life. On the other side, Stoicism lets one understand that with integrity and a calm mindset one must recognize what will eventually happen. Stoicism often stressed the significance and meaning of the independence of moral option, which implies the inherent and solid power of the conscience that can practice the rational knowledge of living, independent of the outward circumstance shifts. Based on Stoicism's normative principles, virtues allow one to understand even the realistic meaning of the good life. There is indeed a strong link between ethics of virtue and Stoicism since both emphasize the way of life which focuses mostly on the existence of the righteous life, which follows the universal virtues that are necessary to human happiness, such as bravery, diligence, prudence, and boldness. The nature of life, of course, contains an exemplary peacefulness and stillness which enables one to ponder from beyond the practical yet imperfect modern world (Xie, 2015, 52-56 ).

In light of the above, my views on happiness have not changed much as I also feel that, in life, values and virtues play a very significant role in leading one to satisfaction and happiness. One who always seeks a sense of gratification and pleasure from others and believes in only extracting can never attain happiness or remain happy. Happiness is attained by being spiritual, virtuous, ethical, kind-hearted, etc. After knowing the Stoicism theory of happiness, I am more confident about my way of thinking regarding happiness.

References for Defining Happiness

Coffey, K. (2020). The science of happiness in positive psychology 101. Retrieved from

Kondo T. (2018). Stoic happiness as self-activity. The realizations of the self, 167-183.

Tamir, M., & Schwartz, S., & Oishi, S., & Kim, M. (2017). The secret to happiness: Feeling good or feeling right? Journal of Experimental Psychology, 146(10), 1448-1459. DOI: 10.1037/xge0000303

Xie, K. (2015). Stoicism and virtue: The intrinsic relationship. International Journal of Philosophy. 3(6), 52-56. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijp.20150306.11

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