Impact Of Herzberg'S Two Factor Answers

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Internship Orientation and Team-Building

Introduction to Impact of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

As a part of our internship program at ANZ bank, 4 students have been asked to develop into strong team composition. Our strategic objective is to develop team composition addressing team member’s strengths and weaknesses for building a strong unit for the assignment provided by the boss at the company. The individual attributes of a person plays a key role in determining the interest of the employee for team cohesiveness. This report highlights the assessment of team composition and turning the group into a highly functional team.

Analysis of Team Composition

The team consists of 4 members. This includes R, S, T other than myself. Since it is a relatively smaller team, all members will be more engaged. Teams exist due to interaction and influence on each other for the organizational and social entity (McShane 2018). Among the team members, two of them are from different social backgrounds with experience in account management and financial system that will be beneficial for diverse knowledge at ANZ bank. The team does not have greate diversity and this will assist in quick collaboration and decision making. R and T have different personalities. Team cohesion will be essential for long term compatibility in the team. Diversity and team size are favorable for decision making with a small team structure. The cultural dimension among teams is on lower power distance. The group structure is flat with all considering each other almost equal. Delegation of work and decision directly involving the team would only be considered. Each of the Big Five personality traits represents extremely broad categories that cover many personality-related terms. Each trait encompasses a multitude of other facets. These personality traits represent a broad category that is related to personality-related aspects with each trait on openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Personality dimensions –. Conscientiousness and emotional stability will impact business performance. R is a talkative and outgoing personality and is creative and imaginative. R has used his creative pursuit in designing and is always is straight forward in option and work. S and T are more careful, dependable, and self-disciplined. They dislike abstract and theoretical concepts. R has led projects and is a procrastinator which led to missed deadlines previously. Extraversion is characterized by talkative and high amounts of emotional expressiveness (Nuckcheddy, 2018). The outgoing attitude of R makes it easier to make friends and feel energized in the company. S prefers to work in solitude and dislikes being the center of attention. T is very organized and has delivered all project deliverables timely. Agreeableness will help in performance and consultation in conflict resolution. R feels empathy and concern for others and has volunteered to help others in live projects. S has little interest in others and T cares about others too. Neuroticism is characterized by emotional instability moodiness. In high neuroticism, people tend to be more anxious and experience irritability and sadness. Agreeableness is the personality dimension that has high trust, kindness, and affection (Rein, 2018). People high in these traits tend to be more cooperative than the rest. T gets worried easily and is attached easily to past results. This attachment has resulted in a struggle for him to bounce back after stressful events. S has experienced mood change sometimes. R has the more emotional stability, he is very relaxed and doesn’t worry much. The introvert nature and extraversion can be clash on ideas for the pursuit of designing and building a team. The dynamic environment and outplay require adaptability, R is unconventional whereas Sand T is not very imaginative.

3 Potential Issues Affecting Team Performance

Lack of growth can cause conflict and be a potential problem in the team potentially can be- Ambiguity of goals, lack of recognition, and lack of trust. They act as key stressors are workload and emotional stability influence employee performance. The team composition can lead to these issues with staff ambiguity creating unstructured work dimensions on role expectations for working in team projects. Employee conflict with dissatisfaction from work quality and not recognized by the employer can lead to a decline in the performance of the team. The extraversion of R can subdue discipline and subdued the nature of the teammates. Maslow’s hierarchy recognizes that include the human needs that allow individuals to feel complete (Lee, 2016). It reflects on employee job satisfaction and the employee conflict due to trust all job performance and sharing of responsibility will lead to a decline in collaborative projects between the team members. Unorganized work and individual style of working of one of the members while addressing organizational internship to turn into an effective and functional team. Motivation and ability to influence individuals are role perceptions to understand the job duties (King, 2016). They will be the guiding point to improve coordination with co-workers and stakeholders for working in the internship project.

Recommendation to Address the Issue

Herzberg's’ Two-Factor Theory

The lack of recognition as dissatisfaction of employees will be addressed through understanding employee expectations by applying Herzberg’s two-factor theory. It determines attitude and motivation as two-factor theory as hygiene and motivation factors (Bexheti, 2016). Hygiene factors will be extrinsic factors whereas motivational factors will be intrinsic motivators (Bexheti, 2016). Extrinsic factors will include job security, salary, supervisor quality, working condition, and co-worker relation. Motivation includes recognition, advancement, personal growth responsibility. The lack of recognition will be developed into growth potential as observed by improving employee working conditions. Increasing the hygiene factors to improve overall employee working condition to enable the positive organizational culture

Step 1 Eliminating job dissatisfaction

Providing a non-intrusive environment. The workspace will ensure individual autonomy for the employees. Creating supporting culture by inclusive opinion, feedback oriented application in work to ensure equality among employees. Employees in the team are diverse hence roles will be provided as per the quality assessment and creating employee engagement towards the role though meaningful project in internship assessment

R Is outgoing and has pathetic towards change. The development plan and employee interaction for organizational problem search will be ideal for his role. Company policies for interns will be modified for employee freedom and voting opinion.

Step 2 Creating conditions for job satisfaction

To create a situation for job satisfaction, internal recognition, and measures for training programs will be developed to adapt to cultural and organizational change. A growth program will be linked with the development of quality of work to ensure employee progression and removing stagnation among employees.

  1. The expectancy theory of motivation will help in regaining employee trust and reduce conflict

The expectancy theory of motivation will influence employee and work efforts are directed behavior that will lead to desired outcomes (Nielsen, 2017). Employee motivation is influenced by expectancy, performance to the outcome, and outcome valence. R, S & T for motivation work environs will be modified by redefining trust.

E to P expectancies - the individual perception that efforts will result in performance level. As a team, I will ensure that employees are capable of undertaking the task by deploying trust in them. The team will be provided with time to manage tasks and resources for company norms and understanding the work structure. Training programs and skills will be provided for organizational capabilities. Clear role perception through assessment of skills will motivate employees and dismay trust towards management.

P to O expectancies- A positive atmosphere will be developed to increase the belief that good performance will result in recognition for the task. Encouragement to team members will be provided. The reward structure and performance measure will be told to R, S & T for higher rewards. The impact of the internship task in a full-time opportunity at ANZ will be communicated. The learning growth and recognition by the central team will be provided in team-building efforts.

Outcome valence is to increase the outcome value from the desired performance (Nielsen, 2017). An impartial and performance-driven reared structure will be followed and individual rear will be given to employees for employee self-confidence. Employee rewards as per their expectations for project bonus, certification, and peer recognition will be provided as per extraversion and employee openness to insure the relevance of the team. Reducing negative valence and evaluating performance through individualizing result to reduce hostility and developing direction through the formalization of the process for the structured outcome for individual employee as per team leader

Goal Setting Will Help in Adding Ambiguity of Goals for The Team Members

Goal setting is the process for motivating employees for performance (Yesil, 2013). This will help in amplifying persistent efforts and giving a clearer perspective towards work performance. The 6 key characteristics of goal setting are relevant goals. Challenging goals, goal commitment, goal formulation, and feedback to form team composition (Brooks, 2018). Developing SMART Goals for employees by developing clear work requirements and establishing performance objectives. Role perception will be developed to large extent employees understanding their duty and will improve coordination between R, S &T. 

Specific goals for R., S, and T will be developed. Developing organizational attributes on gender diversity on 100 employees at ANZ in 2 weeks. These goals will help employees to be more efficient with time associated with them.

Relevant goals- The goals will be assigned as per the proficiency and relevance to team members. Management competency, performance management, and quantitative analysis are the key field areas of expertise of the team members. This will assist as the goals will be relevant to the work at the organization.

Challenging goals- These goals can cause intensity and persistence in work activities. This will the team members to empathize and stretch goals by actively engaging requirements and sharpening skills

Goal commitment - Goal commitment is the employee's motivation towards goals. Setting a key direction will enable employees to extend their commitment to their goals. This enables them to strategically working for the organization and plan of work.

Goal participation - Employee participation in areas in goals designing will caret higher commitment. R, S, and T can improve gaols quality and discuss through my suggestions by conducting meetings to gain knowledge while developing goals or primary knowledge that was not established.

Goal feedback- A feedback mechanism will be drawn for monitoring goal effectiveness (McShane, 2018). This will redirect the process and optimize individual employee to fulfill his growth needs. Feedback ensures employee understanding of expectations suitability to recognization responsibilities assigned.

Conclusion on Impact of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

A highly functional team can be developed through clear governance, specifying goals. Employee motivation plays a key role in incasing job satisfaction through employee recognition. Employee individual attributes are diverse with each others creating specific goals and developing measurable indicators as reward structure, growth opportunities will keep team employees motivated towards work. Utilizing employee strength and assigning roles as per capability will increase team cohesion. Learning and adaptation and development of trust will ensure the team is successful in its project at an internship. Employee motivation through working conditions improvement will create a highly functional team.

Reference for Impact of Herzberg's Two Factor Theory

Brooks, I. (2018). Organizational behavior individual groups and organizations. Pearson: UK

Bexheti, L. & Bexheti, A. (2016). The impact of Herzberg's two factor theory and efficiency at work. European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 1(2), 379-385.

King, D., & Lawley, S. (2016). Organizational behavior. Oxford University Press: London, UK

Lee, T, M., & Raschke, R.L. (2016). Understanding employee motivation and organizational performance: Arguments for a set-theoretic approach. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 1(3), 162-169

McShane, S., & Glinow, V, M. (2018). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge and global reality. McGraw Hill: NY, USA

Nielsen, K., Nielsen, B.M., Ogbonnaya, C., Kansala, M., Saari, E. & Isaksson, K. (2017). Workplace resources to improve both employee well-being and performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Work & stress, 6(1), 101-120. DOI: 10.1080/02678373.2017.1304463

Nuckcheddy, A. (2018). The Effect of personality on motivation and organizational behavior. Psychology and behavioral science Journal, 9(2), 1-4. DOI: 10.19080/PBSIJ.2018.09.555760.

Rein, M., & Eysenck, H. (2018). Dimensions of personality. Taylor& Francis.

Turner, A. (2017). How does intrinsic and extrinsic motivation drive performance culture in organizations? Cognet education, 4(1), 135. DOI:

Yesil, S., Sozbilir, F. (2013). An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of Personality on Individual Innovation Behavior in the Workplace. Social and Behavioral Science, 81(1), 540-551.

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