Human Lung Function And Oxygen Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : PP3333
  • University : University of West London
  • Subject Name : Human Biology

Breathing in the Cover of the Chamber Falls


  1. When breathing in, the cover of the chamber falls and a pen or data logger joined to it will make a descending track on the trace. This is a moderately little volume of air (around 0.5 dm3) and gives enough oxygen to a human resting needs.

  2. As they inhale out into the chamber, carbon dioxide in the breathed out air will be consumed by the carbon dioxide retentive, and the absolute volume of air returning into the chamber will be not exactly was taken in. The run of the mill grown-up value is approximately (2 to 3.2 dm3).
  3. The top won't exactly return up to its beginning position as there is currently less air in the chamber on the grounds that the carbon dioxide has been retained. The normal grown-up value is approximately (0.75 dm3 to 1 dm).
  4. The vital capacity is the total of every one of the three of these volumes this conveys as to an estimation of (4.7dm3).
    The value is around(0.75 X 6) 4.5 dm3. or (1 x 6) 6.0 dm3.
    The value is around (6.0 4.7) 1.3dm3
    Condition of the subject Time period covered by trace (s) Oxygen consumed in that time (L) Oxygen consumption (L/Sec) at rest 55 seconds 656.4 0.012 immediately after exercise 20 seconds 1497.4 0.075 in the time period 2 minutes after exercise 13seconds 564.1 0.051
  5. Compare the different traces you have obtained. Describe the differences between them (20) and explain what they signify with respect to human lung function and oxygen consumption under different exercise conditions (20).

These traces estimations disclose to us that even after exercise, our oxygen utilization is raised. This is on the grounds that our lungs and the circulatory system cant give all the oxygen expected to muscle action amid exercise and should keep on providing oxygen after the activity is done to change over metabolites that have developed in the muscle. This is known as paying off an oxygen obligation/debt.

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