Gene Technology Regulation In Australia Answers

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Ans 1) Recent development in the genome editing procedures has led to Australia to update the guidelines on the genetic technology. Further, updated gene technology regulations aids in providing profits to cancer/ tumour patients. The current amendments help the researchers to quickly and easily perform the early proof work. Moreover, the new regulation will aid the investigators to perform a quicker clinical trial with the ill people, including the process of gene identification associated with the particular disease. Further, SDN-1 techniques do not need any unnecessary regulation as the process has no risks as compared to conventional techniques. Car-T cell therapy will benefit the cancer patient. In this technique, the cell would be extracted from the cancer patient and then re-engineered to build the facility. The reengineered patient's cell would be introduced onside the patient to kill and attack the abnormal cancer cells. In current years, rapid developments of the technology have created doubt about which technology can be considered gene technology in the country. Further, the Gene Technology Act 2000 is the prime for the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) regulation in Australia to ensure the safety of the people and environment of the country by identifying the gene technology associated hazards (Eddy, 2019).

Ans 2) The institutional Bio-safety Committee (IBC) is consist of people having expertise and knowledge in the supervision of GMO safety, independent members and laypersons. IBC roles include reviewing and assessing GM work. For instance, the committee manages and identify the hazards related to performing GMO associated works. Further, IBC delivers an edge with the Office of Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR). The IBC is accountable for conducting a thorough examination of OGTR –certified amenities to ensure and evaluate that they are following the guidelines, for instance, Physical Containment Level 2 laboratories. Therefore, IBC aids in regulation and formulation of Australian Gene technology Regulatory Act. Further, the chief operational article on Australian regulation is directly dependent on IBC (Tribe, 2012).

Ans 3) An employment of the bioengineering techniques in the food industry can be proven an effective way to increase food production, enhance food nutritional values and reducing the food price. Though, the consumers are usually showing their concern towards the negative effects associated with consuming genetically modified food. In Australia, initially, the customers have shown a negative attitude towards genetically modified food items and crops. Because, people were concern about the long-term hazards associated with the modified food, further, they were worried about the negative impact on the future generation. Regulation of the gene technology aids in improving the understanding of the common man towards genetically modified food items. Media plays a vital role in converting the negative outlook of the people into a positive one by sharing the updated regulation for genetic technology (Tribe, 2012).

Media make the people understand that genetically modified food has positive effects, for instance, reduction of food price, reduction of agricultural waste and increase the shelf life of the fruits and vegetable. The public feels secure when they come to know that their government have proper genetic regulation rules and help the people to accept the GMOs. Improper knowledge makes people develop a negative impression and outlooks for genetically modified food. In Australia, regulations for the genetically modified crop and food are being developed to collaborate with the health and well-being principles. The government has made changes in the regulation to match the consumers' request for food labelling. Food labelling law implementation aids the people to trust on the government regulation for the GMOs. Australian food industry supports the food safety and regulation approved by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand. Further, making changes in the law regarding the labelling of the genetically modified food items help the people to decide what they want to pick as law renders the choice to consumer (Sanchez, 2015).

Ans 4) Wearing facemask is mandatory in throughout the globe including Melbourne due to COVID -19 pandemic. Though, some of the people are raising concern associated with Human rights. During the pandemic condition, wearing a mask make the person a participant of the civil culture/society. Wearing a mask is kind of small efforts that will make neighbours save, further it is not a tyranny. For instance, smoking in a public place is an offence because literature has proved that smoking is injurious to both smoker and passive smoker. Therefore, masks are vital for a similar reason. Mask will not only protect the wearer from the coronavirus but also it decreases the risk for people in the nearby proximity (Australian Government Department of Health, 2020).

References for Gene Technology Regulation in Australia

Australian Government Department of Health. (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert.

Eddy, N. (2019). Australia updates gene technology regulations. Healthcare IT News Australia.

Sanchez, D. (2015). Genetically modified crops: how attitudes to new technology influence adoption. Australian Council of Learned Academies, 25p.

Tribe, D. (2012). Gene technology regulation in Australia: A decade of a federal implementation of a statutory legal code in a context of constituent states taking divergent positions. GM crops & food3(1), 21-29.

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