Gdp102 Game Design Principles Assignment Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : GDP102
  • University : Laureate International Universities
  • Subject Name : Game Design Theory

Assessment 2 – Digital Game

Type - RPG 


This is a simple 3D maze game created with the Unity 3D Game Engine using some own as well as 3rd party assets/3D models/C# code. 

The player controls a 3D human avatar  and explores a procedurally generated maze with features like walls, rooms trees, stairs, and more. 

The maze is never the same twice, and it is generated randomly everytime you play to keep the intent of the game and when the edge of existing content is reached, more maze is generated.

This maze generation technique is inspired by the Catlike Coding Unity tutorial:

The player will play the game and will try to find the end of the maze. 

The objective to reach the  end of the maze - which eventually never happens as maze generation is designed programmatically as never ending. 

Learnings -

It was a fun as well as a great learning experience while making this 3D game representation for

Open GL skill show. There's plenty of things which we have learned considerably better than what we do in our regular classes or labs.

- these includes, positioning, scaling, rotation, friction, bounce, texture, particle system, scripting, prefabs, audio, camera, lights and more

Prototype - 

The prototype right now, provides the game mechanics and have certain flaws, but these should serve the purpose of demonstrations in the student's portfolio.The game source code is provided in the attachment. 

The student should be able to take out the best demonstrations he/she want 
to put forward for the portfolio according to his/her curriculam. 

Due to lack of exact knowledge of the textbook curriculum - it may be difficult for the expert to make the required report, hence it is advised to the student to take this report as a reference one and not the exact one (not to be submitted as it is) .
Here may be some tentative demonstrations you could focus on your  demo day

Probable Demonstrations-

1) Vector movement of the player object. 

2) Rigid body physics - Collisions and destruction and gravity

3) Scripts - Player movement based on the input

4) Mesh Renderer - Terrain / Wall/ Door/ stairs/Trees

5) Audio - Background Music

6) Camera - Main camera angle - Third angle perspective 


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