Econometrics Assignment Sample Online Answers

Econometrics is a branch of economics mostly associated with the use of mathematical and statistical methods to analyse economic data. Since the quantity and complexity of this data is available in an ever-increasing capacity, which is why various techniques need to be applied to analyse this social, financial, economic and business data. A variety of empirical methods are employed to define a clear-cut hypothesis that explains the mature and set of the data set. To attempt the assignments based on this subject, quantitative skills need to applied.

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Assignment Question

  • Consider a general time series model of the form
  • Yt = mt + st + et; (1)

    where fmtg is the trend component of the form mt = _0+_1 (t?12)+_2 (t?12)2

    with _i 6= 0 (i = 0; 1; 2) being unknown parameters, fstg is the seasonal

    component satisfying st+12 = st and


    j=1 sj = 0, and fetg is a sequence of

    stationary residuals with E[e1] = 0 and E[e21

    ] = 1.

    (a) Is fYtg stationary ? Give your reasoning.

    (b) Is the _rst{order di_erenced version of Yt, Zt = 512Yt = Yt ? Yt?12,

    stationary? Give your detailed reasoning.

    (c) Is the second{order di_erenced version of Yt, Wt = 52

    12Yt = (1?B12)2Yt,

    stationary? Give your detailed reasoning.


  • The stationary process fZtg is said to be white noise with mean 0 and variance
  • _2, written

    Zt _ WN(0; _2);

    if and only if fZtg has zero mean and covariance function given by

    (h) =



    _2 if h = 0

    0 otherwise.

    (a) Consider an ARMA(1,1) model of the form

    Xt = _Xt?1 + Zt + _Zt?1;

    where j_j < 1 and j_j < 1.

    Find the auto{correlation coe_cient function (ACF) of fXtg, _(k), for

    k = 1; 2; _ _ _.

    (b) Consider an MA(1) model with drift of the form Xt = _ + Zt + _Zt?1.

    Find the ACF. Does it depend on _ ?

    (c) Consider a time series model of the form: (1 ? B)(1 ? 0:2B)Xt = (1 ?

    0:5B)Zt. Classify the model as an ARIMA(p,d,q) model (i.e., give your

    reasoning for the speci_cation of (p; d; q)).

  • Consider an auto{regressive model of order one (AR(1)) of the form
  • Xt = _Xt?1 + Zt; (2)

    where fZtg is a sequence of white noises with E[Zt] = 0 and 0 < _2 = E[Z2

    t ],

    and j_j < 1 is an unknown parameter.

    (a) Derive the autocorrelation function _(k) for all k _ 1.

    (b) State the necessary and su_cient condition such that fXtg is stationary.

    (c) Give some detailed description for each of the possible estimation meth-

    ods you have learned.

    (d) Write down the corresponding code functions from R for the possible

    estimation methods to be implemented in R.

    (e) Using at least one of the estimation methods, write down some detailed

    formulae for the estimators of the unknown parameters _ and _2.

  • (a) Let fZtg be a sequence of random errors satisfying
  • E[ZtjFt?1] = 0: (3)

    In addition, we allow for a heteroscedastic structure of the form


    t = _0 + _1Z2

    t?1 + ut; (4)

    where futg is a sequence of white noises, and _0 > 0 and _1 _ 0.

    The process fZtg satisfying (3){(4) is called an auto{regressive conditional

    heteroscedastic model of order one, simply, ARCH(1).

    _ Rewrite model (4) as an auto{regressive model of order one (AR(1)).

    _ Give some detailed description for each of the possible estimation

    methods you have learned.

    _ Write down the corresponding code functions from R for the possible

    estimation methods to be implemented in R.

    _ Under the conditions: 0 < _1 < 1 and 3_2

    1 < 1, _nd the second and

    fourth moments1:


    t ] and E[Z4

    t ]:

    (b) Let fZtg be a sequence of random errors satisfying

    E[ZtjFt?1] = 0: (5)

    In addition, we allow for a heteroscedastic structure of the form

    The process fZtg satisfying (5){(6) is called a generalized auto{regressive

    conditional heteroscedastic model of order (r1; r2), simply, GARCH(r1; r2).

    Consider a GARCH(1,1) model of the form


    t = _0 + (_1 + _1)Z2

    t?1 + ut ? _1ut?1; (7)

    where ut _ WN(0; _2).

    _ Find the conditions such that Z2

    t is stationary and 0 < E[Z2

    t ] < 1.

    1The derivation for the fourth moment is optional.

  • (a) Consider a seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) model of the form
  • _2(B)_3(B12)Yt = _1(B)_2(B12)Zt; (8)

    where B denotes the backward shift operator, _2, _3, _1 and _2 are

    polynomials of order 2, 3, 1 and 2, respectively, fZtg _ WN(0; _2), and

    Yt = 5252

    12Xt = (I ?B)2(I ?B12)2Xt. This model is called a SARIMA

    model of order (2; 2; 1) _ (3; 2; 2)12 for fXtg.

    _ Does fYtg follow an ARIMA model of ARIMA(b1; b2; b3) ? If so, can

    you specify the values of bi for i = 1; 2; 3 ?

    _ Does Wt = 52

    12Xt follow an ARIMA model of ARIMA(c1; c2; c3) ? If

    so, can you specify the values of ci for i = 1; 2; 3 ?

    _ Based on your own understanding and experience, write down the

    main steps for you to identify and then estimate a seasonal ARIMA

    model of the form Xt _ SARIMA(2; 2; 1) _ (3; 2; 2)12.

    (b) The real data set USAccDeaths was _tted by a seasonal ARIMA model

    with the following summary:

    > USAccDeaths

    > usa.arima1<-arima(USAccDeaths, order=c(0,1,1),

    seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1), period =12))

    > usa.arima1


    arima(x = USAccDeaths, order = c(0, 1, 1),

    seasonal = list(order = c(0, 1, 1), period = 12))


    ma1 sma1

    -0.4303 -0.5528

    s.e. 0.1228 0.1784

    sigma^2 estimated as 99347:

    log likelihood = -425.44, aic = 856.88

    > usa.fore<-predict(arima(USAccDeaths, order =

    c(0,1,1), seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1),

    period =12)), n.ahead = 12)


    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

    8336.061 7531.829 8314.644 8616.868 9488.912 9859.757

    Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    10907.470 10086.508 9164.958 9384.259 8884.973 9376.573


    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

    315.4481 363.0054 405.0164 443.0618 478.0891 510.7197

    Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    541.3871 570.4081 598.0224 624.4167 649.7397 674.1121

    > ts.plot(window(USAccDeaths,1973-1978), usa.fore$pred,

    usa.fore$pred + 2*usa.fore$se,

    usa.fore$pred - 2*usa.fore$se)

    Using the summarized information given above, answer the following


    _ Which seasonal ARIMA model was used? Give your identication

    of (p; d; q) _ (P;D;Q)s.

    _ Write down an explicit expression for the fitted model.

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