Mgt302 Contextual Moderators Meta-Analysis Answers

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  • Subject Name : Arts and Humanities

Gender and Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness

Even though the percentage of females in the place of work has augmented extraordinarily in the past few decades, women stay immensely marginalized at the uppermost organizational levels. It has been observed that women are always offered the least seat in any kind of designation and are looked upon understated. Gender must be measured to conclude that how an individual can attain the utmost potential and efficiency. Taking into account, the study also highlights that women's underrepresentation in the influential leadership position to the underestimates women's efficiency as leaders. This concept is being supported by many theory and hypotheses inclusion of lack of fit theory. It is observed that women occupy leadership roles; however it is still a minority. It has been noticed that leadership is generally being a synonym to men.

Gender is one such changeable, which must be scrutinized with consideration to optimize leadership effectiveness. Many big companies and organization still prefer men to women for the role of leadership, which creates huge gender discrimination. This is being done based on gender, as sometimes an organization does not consider efficiency and effectiveness for the position but the gender of the person. The study also emphasizes one of the major factors that are men are being observed by more effective leaders in the male-dominated leadership position because of masculine nature for those roles.

Reference list

Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Walker, L. S., & Woehr, D. J. (2014). Gender and perceptions of leadership effectiveness: A meta-analysis of contextual moderators. Journal of applied psychology, 99(6), 1129.

Effect of Gender on Students’ Academic Performance in Computer Studies in Secondary Schools in New Bussa, Borgu Local Government of Niger State

The study focus on the relationship between the gender of the student and their academic performance in the field of computer science in the chosen country Niger state. It is observed that student face gender discrimination in the field of study too. It is noted that the student performing better in the academic section are some of the chosen best male brains. Gender is one of those aspects, which discussed in the literature to have a substantial influence on students' academic performances, particularly in the subject of science. Gender is a variety of mental, biological, behavioural and physical individuality concerning to and distinguishing between the masculine and feminine. The significance of investigating the performance of the students in connection to their gender is based chiefly on the socio-cultural dissimilarity between boys and girls. In addition, some teachers and professional have created discrimination and regarded as women's will be assigned with catering, typing, nursing etc. whereas men will be assigned with art and crafts, engineering, agriculture etc.

The parents of the region have also created discrimination among gender as they have assigned particular kind of work for only men who will be solely performed by the like the grass-cutting, bulb fixing etc. On the other hand, women are being assigned to do daily chores related to household work. Concisely, it can be said that what is regarded as the tough and complex job will be allocated to boys while girls of the society are expected to perform relatively easy work.

Reference list

Adigun, J., Onihunwa, J., Irunokhai, E., Sada, Y., & Adesina, O. (2015). Effect of Gender on Students' Academic Performance in Computer Studies in Secondary Schools in New Bussa, Borgu Local Government of Niger State. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(33), 1-7.

The State of Gender Inequality in India

Gender gap or gender inequality persists to be an enormous issue of apprehension in India in spite of attaining higher rates on the growth of the economy in the latest years. Long-established patriarchal ethnicity and rules have downgraded women to a minor status within the domestic and workplace. The government of the country has initiated many policies, scheme s and programs to reduce the gender gap and boost women empowerment. Nevertheless, despite this considerable attempts, the country lack in filling the gender gap. Lack of gender egalitarianism restricts women’s admittance to opportunities and resources and jeopardizes the life prediction of the potential future generation. One of the best examples of the gender gap can be the division of labour in the country.

According to “sex-roles” typically restricts females to household work and limits their right of entry to material and social sources and contribution in economic, political and social decision-making. It is also seen that the gender gap is a major tentative block in access of education to women. In some of the region, it is noted that boys are allowed to attain education whereas women due to social structure or just for the sake are asked to do household work or learn to do household work above studies. This discrimination still persists in the country despite many attempts of the government to fill the gap.

Reference list

Sumanjeet, S. (2016). The state of Gender inequality in India. Gender Studies, 15(1), 139-157.

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