Information Culture In A Government Answers

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  • Subject Name : Article Review

Analytical Article Review

This article review focuses on the article “Information culture in a government organization”. It concentrates on information culture assessment tools to investigate the information culture and identify the relationship between staff self-perceptions and records management training to staff with the formal program of records management. A clear explanation of the purpose, methodology, findings, research limitations and originality of the article helps to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the article.

The abstract of the article includes all the relevant points such as purpose, the methodology of the research, findings, limitations, implications and originality of the article. It represents the research aims and findings that are necessary to understand through the abstract.

The title of the research article clarifies the research aim and its major point of the study. This research consists of one major title and another subtitle which can be a little confusing.

The introduction part of the article represents relevant information although it lacks in explaining the aims, objectives and research questions clearly. It consists of appropriate background information that can help in understanding the topic effectively.

The literature review part represents different themes based on the title and aim of the research. General to specific research themes in the literature review promotes a better theoretical framework that can enhance the strength of the article.

Credible sources are used for research based on primary and secondary sources. The research information is derived through the primary method (survey) based on the 350 personnel of the Ministry of Transportation. The quantitative analysis tool is used to derive results from the survey technique that promotes reliable research.

Research findings are clearly presented in the article based on the identified elements in the information culture. Representation of data and specified elements promote an effective article that supports literature.

It can be identified that the research article is relevant to the topic and emphasized on mixed approach to enhance the reliability of the research. However, the introduction part is not elaborated clearly in the article.

Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Article Review Assignment Help

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