Impact Of Digitization On Project Answers

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Benefits and Improvement to Communication

Communication describes the possible means through which the information can be sent. Communication involves formulating, transmitting, and receiving verbal and non-verbal communication (Tonne 2009). The feedback as a reaction to communication supports interaction between the project managers and other stakeholders. My coursework has helped me in understanding effective communication management and how it helps the project manager respond to another stakeholders for information. Effective communication is vital to the success of the project and is relevant to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Communication integrates clear responsibility, authority, and responsibility so that the project team provides sufficient authority to act independently. 

 Project communication occurs when a faster decision-making tool is needed that is required in normal operations provided by resources in which the project is operated (Meredith 2009). Effective communication helps in performance reporting in stakeholder identification and information distribution through communication tools. Learning project scheduling has developed my viewpoint on effective communication design that takes demand of interaction for technical specification and it has benefits associated with individual team members' organization and establishing a commitment to accomplishing the work of the project. Effective communication roles and responsible governance on project information center and building trust by establishing relationships among the team. Communication animates vision and stimulates acceptance for common objectives that build a collaborative team. Aggregates information in support towards collective decision making as access to local information creates common belief among members between common knowledge and rational expectations

Setting effective project expectations will enable stakeholders to communicate. Project goals determined by the RACI chart will strengthen communication in the organization (Project Management Institute 2017). In my opinion, the project manager and all stakeholders should establish effective communication channels for the project lifecycle in both internal and external communication. Communication has benefits associated with improving customer relationships as an adaptation to expectations. The completion of project activities has exponentially increased the exchange of information that address project objectives update and work information system. This has increased the importance of communication in integrated software applications. Using the front end information planning tool will help the project team in integrated knowledge transfer and cultivated relationships and improving communication. I have largely drawn from working experience through virtual teams understanding the PMBOK guide had an impact on me in understanding collaborative tools used for communication and the importance of effective communication on managing communication inputs by establishing communication channels and skills that had been useful in informal delivery of documentation during my virtual internship. Opportunities to improve communication within the project can be through facilitating communication management evaluating stakeholders and developing communication for project control and project lifecycle. The model proposed by Zulch (2016) states that communication can be improved by developing core communication skills, important communication skills, management, and leadership. The core communication skills include decision-making and problem-solving. A construction project manager needs to make sound decision making to enhance communication and interaction. Decision-making and problem-solving will help the construction project manager in discussion, order, and instructions. This followed by competency, motivation, and persuasion will guide in direction to perform. This will result in effective verbal and non-verbal presentation in the organization. Moving to the next stage, important communication skills will strengthen the application of communication and ensure continuous activity and performance. Determining the application of communication and questioning will improve the information explained. Lastly, the management and leaders who need to communicate who need to reinforce and execute operations utilizing communication. Applying the model will help in improving project communication. Similarly, a communication management plan can be improved by developing an effective project plan. Using technology-enhanced communication can help the organization. Developing an adaptable communication tool will initiate clear processing of messages from sender to receiver. Effective communication can serve as a great tool to systematically manage the stakeholders at multiple levels. Communication can be improved for appropriate information exchange for stakeholders and tangible. Negotiation and team building as a result of communication will build a successful team by delivering and reinforcement for encouraging patterns of behavior.

I have experienced that artificial intelligence as a platform for project management provides the opportunity for robotic process automation in controlling and scheduling. This will lead to reporting and documentation on the virtual dashboard. Strengthening open and clear communication will propagate desirable personal behavior and clear communication rules. I strongly recommend the use of communication media based on feedback, parallelism, symbol variety, reversibility and reprocess ability. Alternatively, the influence of data drive communication, risk of misreporting can be mitigated with the periodic audit of the environment to identify a problem is emerging and can facilitate communication across teams. I witnessed overlap of information, due to social media collaboration, the use of tactic knowledge management can create communities for project managers that are centralized to improve system implementation and encompass shared mental models.

In addition to this developing internal communication in an international corporation will develop multi-cultural teams. Improving effective communication building an organization can be through adapting organization culture requirement. The varied difference between two organization cultures can impact the adaption of medium for communication. It is identified to create strong management by the project manager who acts as communication between two groups. Information dissemination plays an important relay a profound role in the construction environment it requires a frequency of communication and improving communication knowledge in client contact (Project Management Institute 2017). For mutual collaboration between two parties communication improves the working relationship and communication using social media collaboration. Invariably, the organization may face communication cultural sensitivity, designing International construction management. Creating collectivism and building team roles by acknowledging participant integration will improve the project process. Improving workflow for development by building usability attributes include efficiency, effectiveness by software tools will remove the barrier to communication. During projects working in cross-cultural communication has been a challenge. The implementation of the proposed model by Zulch (2016) is in engaging people, developing communication capability. Adapting diverse communication strategies as strategic, informational, emotional, and practical will specify a clear line of communication. Moreover identified customer authority, high process visibility is important for conveying and converging knowledge. Introducing communication practice as a short asynchronous communication loop will adapt to similar team composition based on the principle of shared virtual space on the disruption of information in the project.

I believe that project managers can identify organization assets and processes for developing communication. Communication can be improved through building shared understanding by using various communication and alleviate problems, synchronizing patterns to increase the communication bandwidth. Use of simplification of communication while dealing with expatriates will require social empathy, intercultural competence, and social integration. According to Tonne (2009) high performing organizations are better at communicating and choose media settings for the delivery. Effective and consistent communication is critical to a successful project as communication protocol helps in business efficiency that reduces the chance of scope creep (Meredith 2009). Project management should encourage team members to share their thoughts remarks and opinions for feedback for improving the project timeline. As communication is recognized as a key element in PMBOK for control mechanism and dissemination of information its benefit will develop will impact the success of the project.

Digitization will lead to project managers to strive to move their team and process online to deliver products and services faster (Nguyen 2013). I strongly believe that effective project communication is important as it provides links between people, information, and project for project success. Digitization will impact project monitoring and reporting and stakeholder engagement. Understanding future scenarios, I have observed managing the business and interpersonal skills required to have the impact of digital technology and project management integration. As a project management professional, I am confident that an integrated ICT system will be developed in future 3D monitoring, data repository, and technology with artificial intelligence. Considering the growth digitization has transformed the corporate world. I believe that the economy will shift with companies to review the traditional business model. The global program and project team will be virtual and multicultural to manage diverse stakeholders. This will require strengthening networking and virtual collaboration network In my opinion the digitization impact with Artificial intelligence that can improve project cost estimates and improve risk management by reviewing and historic project data.

I would put forward my analysis that as project organization becomes larger the project objective becomes complicated resulting in communication compromise. The impact of COVID-19 has already established remote working as a new trend, though in construction there is less opportunity for the virtual meeting. The digitization helps the organization reach out to partners for transformative capabilities require to change communication to increase inter-organizational nexus. Innovation and learning will continue to make it possible for workers to connect through immersive technology. Current project management tools and software help in optimizing and tracking project milestones. AI can facilitate stakeholder communication by analyzing risk impact and feedback on project management and this will lead to information stored digitally.

The technological impact will see AI virtual assistant in creating reminders and organizing meetings (PwC, 2019). I strongly believe this will result in a change in the project manager role. Thinking carefully the role of project manager and AI will coexist as AI tools rely heavily on data input from the project manager. The integration of project management skills and negotiation with real-time effectiveness will help in developing information accuracy and time-saving. The project manager will have to up-skill the workforce alongside the AI for investment for the learning and development agenda. Change managed through the digital system will help configuration management for assigning roles and responsibilities with the use of big data for digital workflows to manage integration between requirements. Discussing the impact of COVID-19 made me realize that technical challenges specific to the construction sector have a slow pace of digitization. I find that process digitization from paper to online will help in real-time sharing of information to ensure transparency and reliable outcome. The disadvantages of log reports and paper trail had resulted in disagreement between owners and contractors on the progress of the report (Oesterreich 2016).

 Project scheduling and performance management will offer staff updates in real-time through technological advancement. This will facilitate updating and offering remote site inspection for the ad hoc process in quality control. As a resources use of mobility for on-site crew will enable maintenance of master documents and cloud-based access. I strongly believe that Artificial intelligence has increased through issue logging, tracking and real-time coding will help in faster communication.
Conversely, digital transformation poses some challenges in the central planning solution that relates to the speed of broadband connectivity and non-intuitive user interface. Internet of things as wireless technology will improve employee productivity and act as a central data platform and monitor productivity. Some of the key benefits of digitization will be on inventory management for the connected workforce, this will allow us to develop multiple performance tracking for performance and ROI (Nguyen 2013). While working on the collaborative project we had an optimized schedule but accuracy was lacking, the large scale computation will lead project schedule and KPI communication without resulting in project creep. This will further develop transparent communication and vision development. Building information modeling (BIM) is a relatively new technology with support for construction, fabrication, and procurement activities in project management. BIM tools enable the diverse team to communicate, visualize, and analyze complex project information in a consolidated way (Oesterreich 2016). More integration of BIM will aid in assessing and reviewing the project and identifying discrepancies in the project. BIM through collaboration and team building is another key feature that presents a unified model for direct correspondence dissolving the geographic boundaries. This will change traditional communication through project managers, designers to facilitate communication in handling constructability issues. I expect blockchain as an emerging automative and asset for securing transactions and redefining the information storage and repository. Blockchain as a highly secure ledge can replace traditional contracts with smart contracts and it is in its early stage can disrupt through the record of action.

It will be distinctive as AI will take over the project with requirement collection, schedule creation, budgeting, quality control, and risk and response. The strategic business will require decision making and as it will lead as a distinct accelerator. This will help the project manager in optimal assigning resources, balancing project across a portfolio realistic and objective report on progress

Digitization has far-reaching impacts on team management and team components. Employee training and development are impacted through virtual training and coaching the staff for construction industry operations in project management. The uncertainty and current unprecedented times have led to remote working, digital disruption is more experienced due to ongoing COVID-19 will result in the need for robust collaborative portal for a one-stop-shop for all projects utilizing status report, timeline, access of members to log issues/concern.

 I was facilitated with a report as to what if and future scenarios has been a major issue for project manager emerging development of BIM and influence of big data. The trend in the industry towards smart buildings will see a shift towards real-time data and smart operations. This will allow structured data, virtual team collaboration for troubleshooting, and spoken dialog systems for expert agents that will initiate human natural language. The increased digitization has led to connected by media and the internet with the disappearance of socially and global engagement for the virtual interface. The digitized environment requires a fast and responsive way of assessing investment initiatives. The end to end digital integration of facilitating customized products using a cyber-physical system. It is likely to help for example the cyber-physical system as bi-directional support will help real-time monitoring and controlling project for trajectory optimization. I remembered in our project we had a unified platform issue, as project discussion requires a structured platform. The use of social media had improved the production process shows a high amount of participants as interaction and sharing. Management would have to see interactive platforms but social and ethical issues are critical so is a holistic approach required for industry investigation and organization level of maturity to achieve substantial improvement in the construction industry (Han 2014). I believe that mobile computation to support communication will be more prominent to a high amount of available devices, applications, and solutions. The digitization will change the future of project communication with increase importance by data security and data protection for ability, collaboration, and sharing information with external partners. This will digitize budget update, and replace risk register and risk simulation to digital interface. Big data will manage the design documentation for project delivery. This will have an impact on talent and digital capabilities both at the firm level and individual level. As compared to traditional channel industrial revolution 4.0 will have implications on project maturity. Managers and teams would have to adopt the project delivery model for digital integrated solutions.

The industry requires the development of the social application to facilitate collaboration for understanding and knowledge sharing. The rapid development in digital technologies will help in data mining resulting in synthesized information improving data reliability in asset information between supplier, manufacture, and maintainers (Kernzer 2013)

The organization will thrive in face of disruption will build better products, increase innovation, and reduce paperwork. As key benefit firms will require digital assets for communication and information infrastructure. Use of BIM and 3D mapping as project management tools and software help in optimizing and tracking project milestones eliminating design of workplace and activities. AI can facilitate stakeholder communication by analyzing risk impact and feedback on project management and this will lead to information stored digitally. Digitization in the future will give rise to network technology and social media communication. Digitization has far reaching impact that involves organization, environment, and employees with the adoption of new technologies project communication that will lead to automation. As based on the current trend, I can affirmably state additive manufacturing, augmented and virtual reality for collaboration will be integrated with performance and control through digital reports and face to face meeting as agile management.

Reference for Impact of Digitization on Project Communication

Han, J., and Jung, W. 2014. How geographic distribution affects Development organizations: A Survey on Communication between Developers. International Journal of Software Engineering & Its Applications, 8(6), pp 241-251.

Kerzner, H. R. 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley and Sons.

Meredith, Jack R., and Samuel J. Mantel, Jr. 2009 Project Management. A Managerial Approach, Canada: John Wiley and Sons, 7th ed.

 Nguyen, D. S. 2013. Success factors for building and managing high-performance Global virtual teams. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 9(1), pp72-93.

Oesterreich, T. D., and Teuteberg, F. 2016. Understanding the implications of digitization and automation in the context of Industry 4.0: A triangulation approach and elements of a research agenda for the construction industry. Computers in Industry, 83(1), pp121–139. DOI:10.1016/j.compind.2016.09.006 

Project management Institute. 2017. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide–Sixth Edition / Agile Practice Guide Bundle. United States: Project Management Institute.

PwC. 2019. A Virtual Partnership? How Artificial Intelligence will disrupt project management and change the role of project managers. [Online].Available at [Accessed on October 27th, 2020].

Tonne, K., Skitmore, M., and Wong., K.J.W. 2009. An investigation of the impact of cross‐cultural communication on the management of construction projects in Samoa, Construction Management and Economics, 27(4), pp. 343-361, DOI: 10.1080/01446190902748713

Zulch, B. 2016. A proposed model for construction project management communication in the South African construction industry. Acta Structure, pp,1-35. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.18820/10230564/ as23i1.1

 Wang, X. Love, E., Kim, J, Hou, L.A. (2013). A conceptual framework for integrating building information modeling with augmented reality, Autom. Constr. 34 (1), pp. 37–44.

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