Ict103 Expert Courier Company Business Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : ICT103
  • University : Kings Own Institute
  • Subject Name : IT Computer Science

Systems Analysis and Design

Table of Contents


Use cases.

Activity diagram..

Sequence diagram..

Domain model class.

Machine state diagram..

User interface.

Recommendations and conclusion.


Introduction to Expert Courier Company Business Management

The business process needs to be done in a proper manner, through which the management can monitoring the business factors in a proper manner. The current discussion is dealing with some specific frameworks, by which the managers can make their business decisions in a suitable manner to encouraging the customer groups to be part in that business farm.

Use Cases

The cases of this study is concentrating on the business management process of ECC (Expert Courier Company), which is the start up business of offering courier services to the customer groups. Besides this, the discussion also includes the business management style of the aforementioned company as well. .

Activity Diagram

This is the process, through which the management arrange the business processes in a sequential manner. According to Thanakorncharuwit, Kamonsantiroj & Pipanmaekaporn, (2016), the process of managing business aspects is effective for the managers to prioritise important business factors and arrange the overall development in a uniform manner. 

Based on the diagram, it can be identified that the management of the aforementioned Company can set up their business order structure in a proper manner. The sequences of managing orders like filing the order, arrange delivery, invoice sending, and receive payments are guided properly in this diagram. Hence, the management of ECC can design their service delivery process. Through this, the management can offer a error-free workplace experience to their workers to satisfy them in their workplace.

Sequence Diagram

After managing the overall business system in a structural activity framework, the management needs to understand the sequence of factors as well for implementing the structure in a business-friendly manner (Santosa & Maerani, 2019). Contextually, it can be considered that the sequential diagram can help the management to perform the required business action in a profound structural manner for minimising the business failure chances.

By implementing this diagram, the management of both ECC Company can manage their service delivery process in a sequential manner. The process is effective for both the start-up business entities, as the sequential management of business factors can help the inexperienced management to run their business in a desired and customer-friendly manner. The delivery of their services can be offered within the user’s expected time without much challenge involve. Moreover, the aforementioned diagram is effective for developing Company’ transparency amongst the shareholder groups, which encourages the group to be involved more towards business in the future.

Domain Model Class

Contextually, the mentioned diagram is the framework, in which the management can record real-life components of project concept in place of software aspects. The model is significant in project, as this depicts the project problems (Rhazali, Hadi & Mouloudi, 2016). Additionally, the management can identify specific requirements to resolve the project issues, as the mentioned diagram records the solutions in software components. Hence, it can be proved that the concerned diagram is proves to be helpful for any company to handle the certain challenges of business in a well-directed platform.

By managing the business according to the diagram, the management of both the business entities can ensure a better flow of service offering than their competitors and the possible business challenges can be identified and rectified by the management, before those affect the business flow.

Machine State Diagram

This is the framework, through which the management can show their competency in managing events. The skills of the concerned management in managing their business events and their differences in event’s response with respect to various requirements of states can be identified in this tool as well (Shkil et al. 2019). In the current use cases, the business entities can implement the state diagram within their servicing process, by which they can gain relevant information about their sate of business in a profound manner. Required alterations in business can be planned effectively through this. Thus, it can be understood that the business improvements can be designed in a more structured and in realistic manner by using this diagram while planning for the service offerings.

Based on the attached diagram, it can be identified that the management of aforementioned start up courier entity can manage their business complexities in a professional manner, as the state of the company’s specific aspects have been analysed and checked by this diagram.

User Interface

Based on the characteristics of the diagram tool, it can be identified that the management of any business organisations can be helpful by using this tool, as their decision-making process will be done after recording the users’ interaction about the company’s offerings in the official websites (Jitnupong & Jirachiefpattana, 2018). Hence, it can be sensed that the process is effective for the management of ECC, as the start-up farm can design their service plan in a more realistic manner to satisfying their new customer groups. The user-interface can be classified into five types, like

  • Command line (cli)
  • Menu-driven (mdi)
  • Graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Natural language (nli)
  • Form base (fbi)

Contextually, the management can understand the working process and competency of their official websites before initiate that amongst the users. This is significantly helps the managements like ECC to design their company’s user-interface in such a manner, through which they can satisfy their newly targeted customer groups.

Recommendations and Conclusion on Expert Courier Company Business Management

After gaining relevant sets of information, it can be identified that the management of ECC needs to manage their business process in a structural manner. Some recommendation can be advised to the company developers, like

  • The workers needed to go through adequate training process, through which their skills can be upgraded to better tool management
  • Importance of every aforementioned business tools are needed to be analysed before the worker to make them understand about the importance

In a compiled manner, the business process needs to be managed in a designed manner, through which the required transparency and customer-friendliness can be managed. The aforementioned diagrams are helping the managers of ECC to analyse the business details in a specific manner, which can be helpful or the company in its decision-making process. The better user-interface can be ensured through these tools as well.

References for Expert Courier Company Business Management

Jitnupong, B., & Jirachiefpattana, W. (2018). Information system user interface design in software services organization: a small-clan case study. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 164, p. 01006). EDP Sciences. Retrieved on: 19th Sept 2020 from: https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/pdf/2018/23/matecconf_icesti2018_01006.pdf

Rhazali, Y., Hadi, Y., & Mouloudi, A. (2016). CIM to PIM transformation in MDA: from service-oriented business models to web-based design models. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications10(4), 125-142. Retrieved on: 19th Sept 2020 from: https://www.academia.edu/download/45416135/13N.pdf

Santosa, K., & Maerani, R. (2019, April). Decomposed Functional Behavior of Helium Purification Support System for Experimental Power Reactor (RDE) Type Using Sequence Diagram. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1198, No. 2, p. 022043). IOP Publishing. Retrieved on: 19th Sept 2020 from: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1198/2/022043/pdf

Shkil, O. S., Rakhlis, D. Y., Kulak, E. M., Filippenko, I. V., Miroshnyk, M. M., & Hoha, M. V. (2019). Analysis of the state diagram correctness of automatic logic control systems on FPGA paper. Retrieved on: 19th Sept 2020 from: http://openarchive.nure.ua/bitstream/document/11995/1/shkil_rakhlis_kulak_MMA_19.pdf

Thanakorncharuwit, W., Kamonsantiroj, S., & Pipanmaekaporn, L. (2016, December). Generating test cases from uml activity diagram based on business flow constraints. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication and Computing (pp. 155-160). Retrieved on: 19th Sept 2020 from: http://www.academia.edu/download/59376083/Generating_Test_Cases_from_UML_Activity_Diagram_Based_on_Business_Flow_Constraints201620190523-118292-1q9ozwz.pdf

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