Human Resource Management In Hospitality Answers

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Work Health and Safety in Hospitality Industry

Introduction to Hospitality Industry

Hospitality industry encapsulates a wide portfolio of services intended at maximizing customer satisfaction and leisure. It covers lodging, food and beverage and recreation. It falls under the umbrella of the service industry and specifically lingers around reposing rather than merely focusing on the basic needs (Legrand et al. 2016). In the hotel business, turnover remains one of the wearisome issues. This brings forwards a picture of the poor retention stratagems, inability in convincing a shared goal, pitiable growth prospects and uninviting atmosphere of the workplace in terms of culture and safety. This assessment sustains a key refrain of development of retention tactics of skilled and diverse wok to maintain a competitive advantage. The assessment envisages determining the significance of luring and retaining the top talent for sustaining in the market. The Park Hyatt Group is considered to frame the assessment and fetch a clearer image of the issue and its implications.

Significance of Diverse and Skilled Workforce in The Industry

Continuance of an assorted equilibrium is possible by integrating the diverse workforce in all hires. In the hospitality industry, it becomes even more imperative as it assists in crafting equitable workplace environments. It is not merely restrained to the cultural and ethnic differences but is also associated with the unique perspective that each employee brings to the firm. These unique viewpoints are integral as it aids in looking at an intricacy through numerous lenses and hence, adding creativity to the decisions being made. As per the opinions presented by the authors; Clohisy et al. (2017), it adds innovation to the processes and creates an experience that becomes etched in their minds instigating repeat visiting behaviour. It encourages intercultural activities and also adds to the productivity of the firm. However, it is barricaded by the high employee turnover and the inability of a firm in attracting the top talent.

Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Talent in The Diverse Workforce in Park Hyatt Hotel

Park Hyatt hotel, located in Sydney is among the most popular hotels in the country. It faces the Sydney Opera House and captivates the beauty of Harbour side. The firm was robustly hit by

the staff turnover and immediately impacted the performance and ultimately impacting the customers’ experience. According to the statistics revealed by the Griffin University Queensland, the employee turnover is about 51 per cent in the country. It depicts that the issue is quite alarming and there is a need for instantaneous action (Le et al. 2018).

Amending the Recruitment Process

The standard screening process must be modified so that the right people are hired from the very starting point. Steps can be incorporated to make sure that leap frogging behaviour patterns are recognized. Considering the staff turnover in Park Hyatt, it is contingent there is a need to investigate the experience of the employees in the previous businesses and the tenures for which they have served there (Khanna and Mishra 2017). It will be beneficial in getting a tint of the loyalty that employees will exhibit towards the hotel. The employees’ skills can be thoroughly investigated and aligned with the job position to analyze the suitability of the employees regarding the job position. For luring the top talent, compelling job descriptions can be used.

Effective Induction and Training

Provision of suitable training to a diverse workforce can be challenging and this is the reason that the Park Hyatt, many employees were not clear about the job role. Authors Brohi et al. (2018) have stated that most of the employees decide to quit the job during the induction period. As a result, it becomes cardinal for the hotel to ensure that the induction program is enhanced. It must clearly communicate about the job role and the associated tasks. In the hospitality industry, it is crucial that training embraces openness and respect for all workers. The inclusion diversity program must be launched that makes the employees comfortable to clear their queries and gain transparency about the job profile. Diversity training is crucial in the Park Hyatt hotel so that the cases of bullying or harassment on the basis of the ethnic or cultural background of the employees are completely vanished and a positive workplace atmosphere is created (Khanna and Mishra 2017). It will be beneficial in safeguarding that understanding and acceptance is fostered in the workplace.

Boosting the Workplace Culture

Workplace culture reflects the set of assumptions, beliefs and attitudes that individuals within the workplace uphold (Duncan 2019). In the hospitality industry, it is beneficial in making sure that the transparent flow of communication is maintained. In Park Hyatt and in most of the businesses in this industry, the low morale of the employees and deflated motivation is the key factor that leads to their decision of quitting the jobs. A policy must be embedded in the organizational culture that encourages diversity in the workplace and also fosters equality (Duncan 2019). It is also a key step in ensuring that the discriminatory steps are eradicated. This will, in turn, motivate the employees and make sure that the morale is boosted and productivity is inflated. The organization must overcome the issues of lack of integration in diversity by eradicating discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, nationality, race, religion, age, background, disability and ancestry. This can be made sure by the inclusive ethical code of conduct.

Measuring Diversity and Retention

People who leave the organization must be interviewed by the hotel so that the honest opinion regarding the diversity and retention programs is attained. Since the employees leaving the firm have nothing to lose; they tend to bring a clearer picture of the workplace conditions in front of the mangers. This statistics can help the HRM to confirm the key areas to tap on. Also, diversity and inclusion representatives can be elected in the staff so that the HRM and mangers are updated about the key issues that the employees are facing.

Alignment of Recommendations Towards the Business's Goals and Vision

When the business goals are clearly communicated to the employees, it becomes easier for the employees to formulate the short-term and the long-term stratagems to deal with the same. It provides a clearer vision to the employees; these are beneficial in making sure that the strategies are formulated in the right custom (Shafagatova and Van Looy 2019). Considering the wider picture, in the hospitality industry; which is closely associated with serving the customers and maintaining the optimum quality of service, it is crucial that the employee goals and objectives are supported by the managerial team and leaders that enthusiasm and motivation are reflected in the actions of the employees. In Park Hyatt, the management realized that there is a need to cope up with the high turnover by adhering to the retention programs by aligning the employees with the overall objectives of the firm (Hyatt 2017). It introduced employee loyalty programs. It conducts training programs wherein it is made sure that the employees are provided with the operating manuals, financial information including terms of business agreements and company performance, procedures, brand standards and sales and marketing information or strategies. It ensures that the progress of the sale is communicated to the employees to keep them well informed.

Inclusion of Safety and Health

According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, safety and health are some of the vital needs of the employees which must be fulfilled in order to maintain the optimum levels of motivation (Bouzenita and Boulanouar 2016). In the hospitality industry, safe practices must be adopted while serving customers. Safety and health can be maintained in the workplace only when the employees are trained regarding the same. From the reviews provided on social media platforms, it can be inferred that the safe working conditions are not up to the appreciable level in the hotel. These involve faulty alarm systems. This is also a key reason that the diverse workforce is not sustained and the employees quit jobs. The firm is monitoring and taking strict action against the threat of violence and; takes care of the safety of the employees irrespective of their appearance and background (Khanna and Mishra 2017). It can be recommended to the HR that strengthening the comprehensive emergency response plans is done.

Conclusion on Human Resource Management in Hospitality Industry 

The hospitality industry has been struggling with high employee turnover which is ultimately perplexing the financial stability and the quality of services. It is evident from the above-depicted assessment that there is an urgent need to tackle this issue. A diverse workforce is cardinal in the hospitality industry as it appends novelty to the processes and crafts an experience that lingers in the minds of the customers and also accelerates the repeated visiting behaviour. In this assessment, Park Hyatt is considered to further examine the retention issues faced in the hospitality industry in retaining the diverse workforce. It can be inferred that many employees were not clear about the job role in the firm as the diverse training curriculums were not effective. It can be dealt with by the incorporation of inclusive ethical code of conduct. The firm deals with the retention issues currently by aligning the goals of employees with the overall objectives of the firm by training schedules. The firm can overcome the workplace and safety issues by comprehensive emergency response plans.

References for Human Resource Management in Hospitality Industry 

Bouzenita, A.I. and Boulanouar, A.W. 2016. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: An Islamic critique. Intellectual Discourse, 24,1.

Brohi, N.A., Jantan, A.H., Sobia, A.M.S. and Pathan, T.G. 2018. Does servant leadership style induce positive organisational behaviors? A conceptual study of servant leadership, psychological capital, and intention to quit relationship. Journal of International Business and Management, 1,1 pp.1-11.

Clohisy, D. R., Yaszemski, M. J., and Lipman, J. 2017. Leadership, communication, and negotiation across a diverse workforce*: an AOA Critical Issues Symposium. JBJS, 99,12 e60.

Duncan, M.P., 2019. Diversity and inclusion. Tribology & Lubrication Technology, 75,12 pp.6-6.

Hyatt. 2017. Doing What’s Right.

Khanna, A. and Mishra, M. 2017. Association of Work Life Balance with Job Satisfaction, Job Stress & Employee Turnover-A Study of Hospitality Sector.

Le, A. H., McDonald, C. V., and Klieve, H. 2018. Tourism Management Perspectives. Tourism Management, 27, pp.68-82.

Legrand, W., Sloan, P., and Chen, J. S. 2016. Sustainability in the hospitality industry: Principles of sustainable operations. London: Routledge.

Shafagatova, A. and Van Looy, A. 2019. Understanding the Alignment of Employee Appraisals and Rewards with Business Processes. In International Conference on Business Process Management, pp. 386-401.

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