Global Poverty Assignment Sample Answers

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Sustainable Development Agenda

Global poverty is among the worst challenges that the world experiences today. Poor people do not sustainable means to living, they are hungry, do not access to education, and have poor health. Individuals with income less than a particular threshold limit as agreed internationally, they are unable to fulfill their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, or any other essential good are poor ( Jensen, 2010). Poverty causes emotional, social challenges, health and safety issues, acute and chronic stressors as well as cognitive lags ( Jensen, 2010). 

Although global poverty rates have been curtailed since 2000, however, one in ten individuals in the residing in developing areas still lives below the international poverty line, that is, the US $1.90 a day (United Nations, n.d.a). In recent decades, enormous progress has been made in many nations, nevertheless, 42 % of the population living in Sub-Saharan Africa live below the poverty line (United Nations, n.d.a). According to the United Nations report, in 2015, 736 million individuals lived below the poverty line of which 413 million individuals belonged to Sub-saharan Africa (United Nations, n.d.a).

UN Sustainable development goals mainly focus on taking actions pertaining to ending poverty, safeguard Earth as well as promote the development of the lives of everyone living anywhere (United Nations, n.d.b). In 2015, the UN member states adopted 17 gaols that are a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Under this agenda, plans for 15 years are elucidated so as to achieve these 17 goals (United Nations, n.d.b). Since then, progress has been made, however, the recent pandemic has become a hurdle.

The global economy is expanding with increased economic production, as a result, the productivity has surged, this has lead to an increase in income. Consequently, poverty has reduced and the middle class across the globe has risen (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2017).

Education plays an important role in developing individuals, society as well as economies. Poverty is an issue that cripples the economy. Poverty and lack of education form a vicious circle (Brock & Symaco, 2014). Children who belong to the poor family are forced to work and leave schools. Poor education does not allow them to get better career prospects, as a consequence, they remain poor. They are stuck in a vicious circle. Education provides relevant skills that raise employment opportunities as well as income prospects (Brock & Symaco, 2014). Human capital is an essential source of accumulation of wealth, however, poor education hinders the development of human capital (World Bank, 2019).

Poverty persists highly in those countries where education is inadequate. There is a negative relationship between poverty and inadequate education levels (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2017).

Although there has been an enormous improvement in education across the globe in recent decades, however, increase in education levels was not sufficient to bing individuals as well as households out of the poverty levels (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2017).

The world bank and UNESCO joined hands to support countries to improve and develop their learning assessment systems so as to administer properly what students are learning, thereby, developing the quality of education provided to people (World Bank, 2019). A holistic approach is required to fight poverty, for this, communities should increase the demand for education, build an environment that supports learning and government should undertake education reforms (World Bank, 2019).

Reference for Global Poverty

Brock, C. U & Symaco, P. L. (2014). Education, poverty, malnutrition, and famine. United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Jensen, E. (2010). Teaching with poverty in mind: What being poor does to kids' brains and what schools can do about it. (n.p.): ASCD.

Roser, M. & Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2017). Global extreme poverty. Our World in Data. Retrieved from

United Nations. (n.d.a). Ending poverty. Retrieved from

United Nations. (n.d.b). Sustainable development agenda. Retrieved from

World Bank. (2019). Learning poverty. Retrieved from

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