Effects Of Folic Acids Assignment Answers

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  • Subject Name : Management

Pre-Eclampsiac Conditions in Pregnant Women with Twins

  1. External validity refers to the population, study and measurement while internal validity is the support that is given to the experiment.
  2. Out of the total 2464 pregnant women from 70 different regions, Pre-eclampsia was observed in nearly 15% of the total target population for folic acid and about 13.5% in the placebo group. Although, there cannot be seen any other relationship amongst the groups apart from the folic acid supplementation.
  3. The target population here is the pregnant women who undergo high dose folic acid supplementation for testing for various diseases like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and similar disorders.
  4. The study cannot be conducted in non-pregnant women because the main aim of the study was to check the pre-eclampsia which occurs in pregnant women. Thus, apart from the target population, the research cannot be successful in generalised population.
  5. Source- the journal was published on July 11 2018, the quality remains good and the authors are affiliated from their respective department.
  6. To critically appraise the research study, and to consider an analysis of causation, Bradford Hill’s criteria were used. As per the authors, an experiment was conducted to check on the high levels of folic acid supplementation in pregnant women to access the strength of association between the pre-eclampsiac condition and effects of folic acids. And according to the authors, above the level of 4.0 mg folic acids after the first three months of pregnancy does not have any impact on pre-eclampsia.
  7. The study represents the pre-eclampsiac conditions in pregnant women with twins. A high external validity was undertaken while the results show that the women did not respond to folic acid medications. Although, there were certain limitations to the study and thus, the internal validity is comparatively low. The base-line folic acid supplementations were not analysed. The study benefitted the literature by adding more content on pre-eclampsiac condition in medical terms.

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