Effect Of The Planned Therapeutic Answers

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Strategies to Overcome the Barriers to Self-Management Education and Promotion

The strategies given in this post to overcome the barriers of self-management education as well as its promotion are informative and appropriate. Adding more knowledge to the context and making it more understandable by the reader, first, there is a need to mention the barriers to self-management education and then discussing the strategies that could be used in overcoming these barriers along with its promotional strategies.

The identified barriers to self-management education encompasses of lack of training, time constraints, lack of faith in the patient's capability for self-managing, and lack of confidence for implementing self-management plans (Robert et al, 2012). However, there are ways to overcome these barriers and this include emphasizing the patient to get to know their central role in managing their illness, assessing patient’s belief, knowledge, and behaviors, and counseling of patients by the provision of the information regarding their health risks and underlying benefits of self-management (MacGowan, 2013).

Therapeutic communication is another impactful way of overcoming the barriers because communication helps in the provision of the best quality of healthcare and self-management is a part of this. Communicating well with patient develops a synergistic relationship between the healthcare provider and patients and this lead to patient-centered care (Younis, Mabrouk and Kamal 2015). Assisting patients with problem-solving skills, identifying their personal barriers, providing them social and environmental support along with arranging a specific follow-up plan always helps in conquering the barriers faced by the patients (MacGowan, 2013).

References for Effect of The Planned Therapeutic Communication Skills

MacGowan, P. 2013. The challenge of integrating self-management support into clinical settings. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37(1), pp. 45-50.

Roberts, N. J., Younis, I., Kidd, L., and Partridge, M. R. 2012. Barriers to the implementation of self management support in long term lung conditions. London journal of Primary Care, 5(1), pp. 35–47. https://doi.org/10.1080/17571472.2013.11493370

Younis, J. R., Mabrouk, S. M. and Kamal, F. F. 2015. Effect of the planned therapeutic communication skills of pediatric nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(8), pp. 109. doi:10.5430/jnep.v5n8p109

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