Eco-Friendly Clothes Brand Analysis Assignment Answers

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Buzz Marketing Campaign

Recruiting a Brand Ambassador

A Brand Ambassador is an individual who is affiliated with a particular brand, spreads awareness about the brand and helps in improving the sales (Referral Rock, 2020). For the Eco-friendly Clothes brand, we are looking for Brand Ambassadors from the campus of Southern State University Campus who is: Currently studying in the premises; Are advocates of the rights and responsibilities associated with nature and ecology; Believe in the brand; Have a good influence over their peers and other individuals and are users of eco-friendly products themselves.

The Brand Ambassador should have a healthy relationship with the brand where he/she agrees with the beliefs and ideologies of the brand and connects with them at a deeper level. We expect the Brand Ambassador to have a friendly relationship with the brand where ideas and opinions are shared by both parties. The Brand Ambassadors will become a part of our brand’s family and will be required to attend regular company meetings and seminars.

A brand should ensure that the rewards offered to the Brand Ambassador’s should align with the Key Performance Indicators of the brand (Kettner, 2020). Since the brand does not believe in monetary rewards, every Brand Ambassador will be provided with a 3 sample clothing piece upon recruitment and consistent perks and vouchers every month depending on the sales the brand made in that month. The perks will include gift hampers, tokens of appreciation, heavy discounts etc. The perks and vouchers will continue to be a monthly deal and will not only depend on the sales but also the activities and participation of the brand ambassadors individually.

Buzz Marketing Program

Every brand needs to create a buzz around their products (Pahwa, 2019). For the buzz marketing initiative, the brand plans on affiliating the brand with “rebelling against society” or “breaking the stereotypes”. The brand wants to show the audiences that using eco-friendly products is a way of rebelling against the rising corporate organizations, industrialization of cities and growing pollution and suffocation. The marketing of the brand will be set in a way to show people that they don’t need branded luxury clothes to make a statement, wearing eco-friendly clothes is the new statement. In this marketing campaign, special tee-shirts that say “I am a rebel” will be customized and the hashtag “#iamarebel” will be used. The idea behind rebelling is that the youth is increasingly become outspoken against various stereotypes and believes in rebelling against them. These rebellions include breaking the stereotypes against homosexuality, veganism or gender-bias. In today’s time, everyone is a rebel. With the help of the brand’s tee-shirts and hashtags, the youth and other individuals will be able to openly rebel against the various things they want to take a stand against. The Brand Ambassadors will be the sole drivers of this campaign who will start the trend by wearing the tee-shirts themselves and rebelling against certain aspects of the society.

References for Eco-Friendly Clothes Brand Analysis

Kettner, K. (2020). Paying Your Brand Ambassadors With Products. Retrieved from

Pahwa, A. (2019). What Is Buzz Marketing? - Strategies & Examples. Retrieved from

Referral Rock. (2020, June). Brand Ambassadors: What Are They and Why Are They Vital? Retrieved from

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