Diabetes Mellitus Analysis Assignment Sample Answers

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  • Subject Name : Nursing

Research Portfolio

This research portfolio is designed to research on a specific topic “diabetes mellitus” and all its associated components. This research portfolio will be inclusive of different components that will cover the entire research on this selected topic and will also address all the related issues to diabetes. In this research portfolio, diabetes mellitus will be covered through different components. The different components include a systematic literature review, a clinical case report, a poster presentation and a reflective journal. A critical literature review is a type of critical review in which analysis and evaluation of multiple sources on a specific topic. In this case, the multiple journal articles will reviewed on diabetes mellitus and its related topics. The sources will be reviewed and the specific topic is researched. A clinical case report is a type of case study that disseminates new knowledge that is gained from the clinical practice. The clinical case reports discuss the signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of specific disease. A specific case study is described and analysed so that a description can be formulated on a specific health condition. A case report includes a patient description, case history, physical examination result, pathological tests and other investigation reports, treatment plan and the expected outcome of the treatment plan. A clinical case report is important because it addresses one complicated situation of the patient with a specific health condition. The case report will be the basis of a poster in this research portfolio. The research portfolio’s third component is a poster that will have the general information of diabetes along with its present statistics. The present statistics will also cover etiology and one specific condition of diabetes that is mentioned in the case study report. The poster will cover the information on the management of this specific condition and other aspects of this condition. The specific condition of diabetes selected in the case report of a specific diseased individual will be continued in the poster that will give information in an attractive manner. The fourth and last component of this research portfolio is a reflective journal essay. A reflective journal is a collection of daily entries that includes a detailed description of good and bad events that led to the learning. In this essay, a writer reflects on past experiences that teach important lessons based on these events. It is a personal record of the user’s learning experience which creates an appropriate space for the user to learn from past events. It is an official record of the ideas, personal thoughts and experiences that help in reflecting and learning from the events. In this reflective journal, diabetes is discussed along with the learning gained from positive and negative information that is collected through this research portfolio.

The main purpose of this research portfolio is to give a detailed description of the selected topic diabetes through a critical literature review, a case report, a poster and a reflective journal. All of these components are interconnected.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition that impacts the normal lifestyle of thousands of people across the world every year. This chronic condition is known to occur to people of various ages and has a direct impact on their quality of life. This is a chronic condition that may last for a lifetime or may be treated in some people with effective treatment and care strategies. There are three types of diabetes mellitus broadly that are diabetes mellitus type1, diabetes mellitus type 2 and gestational diabetes. It can affect many people all across the globe irrespective of race, colour, religion, nation and any other individual characteristics. Diabetes mellitus type 1 is most likely to occur to adolescents and younger adults because this is an autoimmune disease. In this autoimmune disease, the immune system confuses normal healthy cells as outsiders attacking cells and kills them. This results in the hamper of the function of insulin hormone, as a result, no insulin or very less amount of insulin is produced in the body of an affected individual. This is a very serious chronic condition and the people with this condition are very badly affected due to the symptoms.

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