Complex System Of Our Brains Answers

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The Neuron

1. Neurons or nerve cells: These are the building blocks which comprise our nervous systems. The only difference between neurons and other cells are that neurons have electrochemical mono which helps them to transmit messages to each other. Neurons communicate with neurotransmitters which in turn cause motion and emotion. This is explained at the starting of the video.

2. Three basic parts of a nerve:

  • Soma: It is the neuron’s life support. It contains all the essential cell action such as nucleus, ribosomes, DNA, etc.
  • Dendrites: Dendrites look like trees and receive messages from other cells. Basically, they are the listeners and whispers what they hear back to the some.
  • Axon: It is long and electrical impulses are transmitted from cell body out to other neurons.

3. Multiple Sclerosis: This is a progressive disease that damage the sheaths of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

4. Excitatory Neurotransmitters: These rev up the neurons and increases the chances it will fire off an action potential.

5. Endocrine System: This is known as the slow chemical communication system of the body. It secrete hormones into the bloodstream. This is explained at the end of the video. Hormones affect our mood, signal growth, regulate our metabolism and immune system.


1. The video started by building curiosity and interest among the viewers. It is surprising to know that the reaction to any source of fear is due to the chemicals produced by our brains and nervous systems.

2. Till now I perceived that our mental activities are always separate from all the biological stuffs going in our bodies. This video changed this perception of mine. It shows that in reality, the moods and ideas are spurred by our biological condition. That is, “Everything psychological is biological.”

3. This video emphasises on an interesting point that if we want to know how our mind works, it is important to look at how the chemistry of our body impacts the way we think, sense and feel about the world around us.

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