Collaborative Framework For Building Indigenous Answers

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Engagement and Sharing

Health disparities have been seen between the Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations since ages. However, certain government strategies that have been implemented with the target of enhancing the cultural competence and cultural safety have been seen to have positive impact on this issue (Power et al, 2015). As per the study presented by Power et al, (2015) a collaborative and deeply respectful processes helps in doing so and REM framework is about the same. The REM framework based on the principle of “respect, engagement and sharing, and moving forward” helps in working as per the collaborative committee processes. Policies based on REM framework focus on respecting the Australian Indigenous community, enhancing their engagement, and moving forward together. Examples of such current strategies or policies are National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce Strategic framework 2016-2023 (Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, 2016). And the Good Health - Great Jobs Strategic Framework for the Aboriginal Workforce 2016 – 2020 (NSW, 2016). The strategic framework for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce aims to contribute in achieving the equitable health outcomes for the Indigenous Australian people. They are helpful in doing so as they build a strong and supported health workforce in order to provide culturally-safe as well as responsive health care. While the NSW Good Health - Great Jobs Strategic Framework was formulated in order to support the local health districts so that they can potentially help in growing and developing the Aboriginal workforce. The strength of these current strategies is in improving the recruitment as well as retention of the Indigenous Australian. The other core strengths of the policy lay in the relevance of the strategies with current issues. These strategies help in enhancing the engagement of the Indigenous Australian workforce .It also enhance the skills as well as self-capacity of the Indigenous Australian. These frameworks help the healthcare workforces to play both the clinical as well as non-clinical role across all the health disciplines. Cultural safety is creating the safe environment for Indigenous Australian by respecting them and maintaining their dignity. The strength of this is enabling and enhancing the cultural safety so that their engagement in the workforces enhances. Maintaining the accountability, engagement, recognition, and appreciation will boost-up the community members of Indigenous Australians. The major strength of these strategies is that it aware the public and makes them learn the cultural beliefs and values of the Indigenous Australians and make them understand the need to unlearn the racism and bias (Victoria State Government, 2020).

References for Collaborative Framework for Building Indigenous Cultural Competence

Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council. (2016). National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce Strategic framework. (2016-2023). Retrieved from$File/National-Aboriginal-and-Torres-Strait-Islander-Health-Workforce-Strategic-Framework.pdf

NSW. (2016). Good Health - Great Jobs Strategic Framework for the Aboriginal Workforce. (2016 – 2020). Retrieved from,and%20develop%20their%20Aboriginal%20workforce.

Power, T., Virdun, C., Sherwood, J., Parker, N., Van Balen, J., Gray, J., & Jackson, D. (2016). REM: A collaborative framework for building indigenous cultural competence. Journal of Transcultural Nursing: Official Journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society27(5), 439–446.

Victoria State Government. (2020). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural safety. Retrieved from

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