Bsbldr402 Buysmart Pty Ltd Case Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : BSBLDR402
  • University : Victoria University
  • Subject Name : Human Resource Management

Lead Effective Workplace Relationships - Question 1

Explain what relevant information you should collect to understand how your work team currently operates. Include information from both internal and external sources.

1a.The relevant information that I must collect to understand how my team currently operates must entail the background data of the individual, team progress & outcomes, customer-related data, planning techniques of the team. Furthermore, externally, I would like to collect information about consumer behavior so that products could be sold based on their tastes and preferences.

List six methods, both formal and informal, in how you can seek valuable contributions from your staff to assist you in understanding current work practices and culture within your team.

1b.There can be numerous methods to understand the present work practices and culture within the team. These are mentioned below:

  • Meetings with staff frequently
  • One-on-one interaction with individuals within a team
  • Suggestion box using feedback and survey method
  • Use of social media platforms to interact and communicate the notions and practices.
  • Training sessions to know the effectiveness of the team and the culture of everyone.
  • Through advisory groups and review panels (Lehmann-Willenbrock et al., 2018).

Mary explains how each member of the team spends at least one to two hours a day creating copy for each sales campaign using both Photoshop and InDesign before it can be loaded onto the website by IT. As it is extremely time-consuming she suggests that BuySmart hire a graphic designer to assist with all the copy and editing of the copy before it is loaded onto the website. You also believe this is a great solution but the organization will not hire any new staff unless the benefit outweighs the cost. You know Mary is considering resigning and you value her as an employee. How do you respond to Mary so she feels supported?

1c. Mary is a high-performing individual who has been consistently doing better for the company. However, she has concerns regarding the time-consuming process of creating a copy of the sales campaign via IT software Photoshop and Adobe. I should support her in the way that she will not think of resigning from the company anymore. I will raise her concerns to the sales manager or other higher authority so that she may feel valued.

Who else would you consult with to refine Mary’s solution before presenting it to management? Think of internal as well as external sources. Briefly explain the benefit of consulting with these sources.

1d. I would like to consult with all the team members to discuss Mary’s idea and collect the information on how many agree with the idea. Then, I will present the idea of Mary to the management. The benefit to consult the team members is that if all members are involved in a decision-making process then they all feel valued and engaged in the company’s concerns (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017).

Which method (from question b) would you use to gather ideas from your staff to improve work performance? Briefly explain why you have chosen this method. What other ideas or processes can you suggest to improve the sales team’s operations to improve work performance?

1e.From all the choices in (b) part, meeting with staff would be highly preferred as it helps all to collaborate in a better and professional manner. Moreover, it helps to bring the team members more closely and understand the concerns of each other. A shared vision is created in a meeting that all members agreed on. The work performance of the team will be improved by fostering creativity and build trust among all members (Sue‐Chan & Hempel, 2016).

Lead Effective Workplace Relationships - Question 2

To improve efficiencies in the sales team, you also believe that you should understand how other departments run within the organization.

Explain how you will network to understand the organization better and to build relationships within the organization.

2a.There are different departments in BuySmart Pty Ltd namely account, sales, IT, marketing, and more. Today’s competitive environment requires all departments to collaborate to have a clear understanding of all roles and responsibilities. The ways that I will use to network with all other departments by using online chat groups on social media platforms, organizing events within the company, via lunch dates, company’s project together, and more. All these methods help me to know all departments and build a robust relationship with them (Jensen-Auvermann, Adams & Doluschitz, 2018).

What benefits can you provide for your team by networking?

2b.There will be numerous benefits for the team by networking with the departments of the company. Sales can be improved by knowing the customer preferences and this information can be collected from the marketing department people. The benefits will be in the form of increased confidence, shared knowledge, enhanced trust, strong connections, more innovative ideas, professional growth, and more. From the profitability perspective, there will be more satisfied customers for the products of BuySmart Pty Ltd and will be sustained for the long term (Salleh et al., 2018).

Lead Effective Workplace Relationships - Question 3

Lyn and Lucia approach you about the option of job sharing. Lyn would like to work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Lucia would like to work Thursday and Friday. Lyn breaks down in tears and reveals to you the immense stress she is under at work and home. Lucia explains how they would be more productive and happier if they could job share at BuySmart.

How do you respond to Lyn and Lucia to show your understanding of the situation and the perceived difficulties they each face?

3a.I need to show a sense of understanding of the issues facing Lyn and Lucia as they are high performing employees for the company. I will listen to both of them with emotions and empathy and respond identically. The idea they both have about job sharing is suitable for them however; it must be accurately communicated to management with clear reasons and concerns.

Collect a diversity or Anti-discrimination or EEO policy and include it in the appendices of your assessment. You will assume that this policy is BuySmart’s. From this policy what requirements must you be mindful of in dealing with the situation? What behaviors should you exhibit as a Supervisor to lead by example?

3b. The Act named as NSW Anti-discrimination act 1977 is taken that is regarding discrimination in employment (Miller & Hyde, 2017). The requirements that I must know while dealing with the situation are empathy, not discriminating between Lucia and Lyn, supporting and encouraging both, and keeping the conversation to be confidential as of now. I will fell both of them to be comfortable and asking them to receive the support whenever needed.

What actions should you take to create and maintain the trust and confidence of Lyn and Lucia?

3c.The actions that I must take to crate and preserve the trust of both Lyn and Lucia are talking them with honesty, frequently meet both to discuss the matter of job sharing, and tell them the progress of idea. Furthermore, I will encourage them to work effectively until their idea is being approved by management. It will help both Lyn and Lucia along with the entire company to get better results (Spencer, 2017).

Identify and analyze the key issues with Lyn and Lucia. In your analysis, ensure you include issues with the culture of the organization that need to be addressed.

3d.The key issues with Lyn are that she has to take care of her sick mother along managing her work also. Therefore, she wants job sharing so that she will enjoy a better work-life balance. Furthermore, the issues with Lucia are also regarding poor work-life balance as she has a small child to take care of. In my view, there must be a flexible environment at work so that employees can better manage their work-life along with having faced these issues (Kossek & Lautsch, 2018)

If the job share arrangement is approved, what processes can you implement to ensure the success of Lyn and Lucia’s job sharing? (Here you are identifying solutions to avoid problems.) Additionally, who can you consult with to improve your outcomes?

3e.To ensure the success of Lucia and Lyn’s job sharing, I must have to communicate the roles and responsibilities to both to ensure the role is serving the business. Moreover, I must show empathy that they will get support whenever needed regarding the issues facing while doing a job. I will also provide them with accurate tools and communication models so that they can collaborate effectively with each other.

How would you regularly review and monitor the success of the job-sharing arrangement?

3f. I would regularly review and monitor the success of the job-sharing arrangement by connecting regularly with Lyn and Lucia via virtual sessions and meetings. Further, I will check on the aspects like individual performance and identify if there is any need for training to anyone to improve their performance.

References for Lead Effective Workplace Relationships

Jensen-Auvermann, T., Adams, I., & Doluschitz, R. (2018). Trust—Factors that have an impact on the interrelations between members and employees in rural cooperatives. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management6(2), 100-110.

Kossek, E. E., & Lautsch, B. A. (2018). Work-life flexibility for whom? Occupational status and work-life inequality in upper, middle, and lower-level jobs. Academy of Management Annals12(1), 5-36.

Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., Rogelberg, S. G., Allen, J. A., & Kello, J. E. (2018). The critical importance of meetings to leader and organizational success. Organizational Dynamics47(1), 32-36.

Miller, B., & Hyde, R. (2017). Prospective employers must jump disability hurdles. Ethos: Official Publication of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory, (246), 34.

Osborne, S., & Hammoud, M. S. (2017). Effective employee engagement in the workplace. International Journal of Applied Management and Technology16(1), 4.

Salleh, S. S. M. M., Fareed, M., Yusoff, R. Z., & Saad, R. (2018). Internal and external top management team (TMT) networking for advancing firm innovativeness. Polish Journal of Management Studies18.

Spencer, A. (2017). Job Sharing: A Primer. Journal of Hospital Librarianship17(1), 80-87.

Sue‐Chan, C., & Hempel, P. S. (2016). The creativity‐performance relationship: How rewarding creativity moderates the expression of creativity. Human Resource Management55(4), 637-653.

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