Biz101 Report Outline And Source Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : BIZ101
  • University : Laureate International Universities
  • Subject Name : business communication

Business Communication

Introduction to Business Communication

The study aims to emphasize on the digital communication strategy that enhances the performance of the organisation. The stuX`dy focuses on boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools. There are various communication tools that aid the organisation to boost up the motivation of the employees and help them to perform better. The main purpose of this report is to outline the importance of digital communication in the organisation in order to enhance organization services and performance. The target audience of this report is an assessor and all fellow members. The organisation which is selected in the study is the Cyren which is a restaurant in Harbour Sydney.

Background of Business Communication

The most essential tools in organisational are communication and in restaurants, communication plays a very important role in order to retain the customers as well as managing the work for employees. The communication tool that can be used by the organisation in order to enhance its work and motivate the employees is digital signage, collaboration tools, staff alerts, videos, project management, mobile, communication app, intranet etc. This communication tools is a source of engaging employees altogether and make them recognise among fellow members. There are various benefits of these tools, for example, digital signage is implemented in the organisation so that information can be directly displayed on an electronic screen in open space which gives high visibility and broad reach. This tool is best for making promotional messages for employees as well as for customers it also helpful for reaching staff and also helpful in recognising the work performed by any employee to motivate each employee in the organisation.

The study focuses on four resources which are useful for completing the assignment. The two of the resources is from the academic sources that are comprised of an academic journal. The other two resources are from websites and YouTube, TED Talks.

Resources from Academic Journals

The two academic resources from the academic journal are from the year 2020 which focuses on employee motivation in an organisation and the importance of communication tools and strategies for the motivation of employees.

Bui (2020), this academic journal focuses on the determinants of employee motivation and their impacts on organisation performance as well as employee performance. This journal chooses a restaurant as an example to demonstrate the impact of employee motivation on organisation performance. Therefore, it is relevant and relatable to the study. The study focuses on Cyren restaurant and this paper also focuses on a restaurant which highly supports and emphasis on employee motivation to enhance the organisation working and motivating employees to perform better. This journal found that it is very important to improve the employee motivation level in the organisation in order to accomplish the defined goals. Therefore, the organisation needs to set strategies and action plan such as communication tools that enhance the performance of employees by motivating them. The reliability test refers to the consistency of research work under various parameters. Five types of reliability test are an internal, external, split-half method, inter-rater and test re-test. Under this reliability test, this journal is highly consistent and gives appropriate results.

Akhmetshin, Kulibanova, Ilyina&Teor (2020),this academic journal focuses on internal communication tools and their role in the effective exchange of information in an organisation. The author focuses on new communication tools in order to make better alignment with time trends and the changing demand in the industries. This paper is related to the study because it focuses on communication tools as well as applying IT solutions in the companies to tackle firm task and management. The reliability test of this paper is highly consistent and inappropriate results.

Research Source from Ted Talks

Dosik, (2020), conducted this video which is from TED talks and the motive of this video is to focus on why an organisation needs to treat employees as thoughtful as their customers. Diana perfectly demonstrates that organisation mostly works upon customer satisfaction but it is very meaningful and important for an organisation to understand and engage their employees. Employee satisfaction is very important as it keeps the employee motivated and also important for the organisation. This video is related to the study because it focuses on the present organisations and their ways of treating employees and also focuses on employee motivation. The reliability of this video is very consistent and itgives appropriate information about the topic.

Bush, M. (2020)conducted this video which is from TED talks and this video focuses on the topic that is “what makes an employee happy at the workplace”. From this video, it is identified that employees are happy in the organisation when they feel trusted, respected and recognised. Employees are happy when leaders trust them and encourage them to perform better in the organisation. This video is related to the study because employee motivation is the topic of the study and this video is related to employee motivation and their happiness. The reliability test of this video is very consistent and it gives appropriate information about the topic.

Conclusion on Business Communication

It is concluded from this study that it is very important for organisations to acquire good communication that enhances the organisation performance and maintain employee motivation. Employee motivation is one of the most important parts in the organisation as it can be enhanced by using communication tools such as digital signage, collaboration tools, staff alerts, videos etc. Various issues may arise by implementing communication tools as it may lead to diverting the mind of employees or it may not be. These are the questions that may arise after implementing the communication tools in the organisation.

Recommendations on Business Communication

Implementing communication tools in the organisation is the toughest task for the managers as communication tools may lead the employee to work in the right direction rather than wasting their time. Communication tools need to enhance their work not to decrease their productivity. These are the reasons that may arise after implementing the communication tools in the organisation. The organisation needs to add a perfect communication tool in the organisation that enhances their work but also increases their productivity. The communication tool that is appropriate for the restaurant is digital signage.

References for Business Communication

Akhmetshin, E. M., Kulibanova, V. V., Ilyina, I. A., &Teor, T. R. (2020, April).Innovative Internal Communications Tools and Their Role in Fostering Ethical Organization Behavior.In 2020 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar (comes) (pp. 75-81).IEEE.

Bui, Q. (2020). Determinants of Employee Motivation and their Impacts on Performance.

Bush, M. (2020). This is what makes employees happy at work. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from

Dosik, D. (2020). Why we need to treat our employees as thoughtfully as our customers. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from

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