Bac204 Business, Design And It Answers

  • Internal Code :
  • Subject Code : BAC204
  • University : Holmesglen Institute
  • Subject Name : Accounting and Finance

Advanced Management Accounting

1. Identification of stakeholders

Stakeholders are the individuals or entities that are affected by the decisions and activities of the company. Most of the time, stakeholders can affect the activities and strategies of the company. A project is normally the part of the town or city of the country, and it includes the large numbers of the stakeholders, including the social communities to the employees and officers of the company. The government is also the stakeholder of the company. As there are large numbers of the stakeholders, so the entity has divided the stakeholders into different classes. The broad classes are internal and external stakeholders. The classes are made on the assumption that all stakeholders in the project have the same interest and power in the activities of the company. As the activities of the company are covered by the large community of Australia, so management has decided to keep these stakeholders in the customer categories (Project Managemnet,2020). The key groups of stakeholders for Origin Energy are as follows:

  • Employees
  • Shareholders
  • Government and communities
  • Customer

The strategies of the company meets the needs of the stakeholders in the following ways:


Employees are internal stakeholders who want to be promoted and other monetary benefits from the company. So their needs are directly attached to the strategies of the company. The social objective of the company meets the needs of the employees of the company. The social objective of the company is to maintain and satisfy the reward of the work for employees and to maintain the goodwill of the company. The related strategies of the company encourage the employees to do work as effectively and meet the needs of the employees.

The strategy is about eliminating the barriers for employment, development, and creating new opportunities for the workgroups. This will result in significant advantageous outcomes to be the ultimate result. This is based on the foundation of continuous development, significant growth and a more engaging environment. Moreover, the systems are to be developed for effective measurement of performance of the workgroups so that the effective workers can get the bonuses on the basis of the performance.


Shareholders are the investors of the company who wants maximum returns on their investments. So the needs of the shareholders or investors are based on the higher profitability of the company. So the organization has set out the rules and objectives that are beneficial for the investors and fulfill the needs of the investors. The objective is to provide a sustainable return to the investors of the company. The returns will be on the basis of the top 3 comparable companies of the industry so that the investors may not switch the company. Besides this, the objecives and goals of the company as being in accordance or in cope with the requirements of the shareholders, results in a more engagaing environment for the company in the context of shareholders. This further contributes in pioneering the business environment with much more competitveness due to having multiple or significant number of shareholders in the market and industry.

Government and Communities:

The government and other communities are the external stakeholder and want to maintain the proper environment and suitability. The objectives of the company related to the environment are based on the adverse impacts and greenhouse emissions. The company has set out the objective that the company will take the feasible steps to minimize the effects of operations on the environment. Moreover, the company has an objective to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity to the production and distribution of energy and non-producing assets. To meet the objectives, the company has made the following strategies:

  • Reduction of the intensity of greenhouse gas emission for the electricity supply chain to 10% less than the competitor by 2020.
  • Reduction of greenhouse emissions from the production units of the company by 15% by 2012.
  • Identification of opportunities for the reduction of waste and reuse of the waste.

The strategies of the company fulfill the needs of the communities related to the concerns about the environment. Being focused on environmental aspects result in being a company that is well recognized in the market and the industry. Based on the identified aspects above, there is better brand recognition that can be the case for the company. Due to overall operations to be in accordance to the environmental aspects, this will lead towards positive business reputation among their stakeholders. This positive reputation further contributes in increase in sales and loyal customer base. Being sustainable and implementing sustainable strategies can lead the company to be cost effective and can save operationall costs (NI Business, 2020).

With better and positive recognition in the market and the overall industry, people or consumers tend towards the company and this makes the company to be able to attract more and more talent and retail their staff. This talent management in the company promotes much more expertise at hand which futher contributes in significant, effective, and efficient operations. This as a result, produce much more financially stable performance growth and increase in profit generation with organization growth, and easy access to the capital (NI Business, 2020).


Customers are the external stakeholders, and they want the quality of the products and services. The objectives and strategies to achieve the objective are helpful to fulfill the needs of the company. The company has an objective to maintain the goodwill and support of the community to satisfy customers. Moreover, the steps of the company towards the sustainability of the environment are likely to inspire the customers. The company has made the strategies related to the feedback and complaints and consultation with the customer. Solving the problems of customers proactively is helpful in winning the trusts so that the customers will motivate to buy the service. The consultation from customers will increase the confidence of the company as well as will boost their customers’ loyalty towards the brand due to positive perceptiobs being attained and sustained in the market and the industry. Feedback geenraiton will result in focusing on lacking factors in the services and products that are being provided to the customers and minimize any errors present or expected to be the case in overall operations.

2. a) Cause and Effect:

It can be found in the objectives and strategies of the company that there is a link to the cause and effect. The objectives of the company are based on the feedback from the relevant authorities. This feedbacks had led to the set out the objectives of the company. So we can say that the objectives are causing. It can be interpreted in this way that the ineligibilities of the company and in the system of the company has led to making the objective of the company. So the objectives of the company are causes factors. Based on the objectives, the company has led out the strategies to recover ineligibilities in the systems of the company. The strategies are the action to move out the cause. Based on this assumption, we can say that the strategies are the effects. Now we try to interpret by taking an example. Let’s take that the company has an objective to maintain the support of customers and goodwill of the company. It is the cause because the company has felt the disorder in support of customers and the goodwill of the company. Based on this cause, the company has made the action plan that was based on the response to the complaints of the customers so that the support of the customers will be in favor of the company. The strategy has because of the cause, so it can be the effect (Cao, Sun, & Zhuge, 2018).

b) Lag and lead indicators:

A leading indicator is based on the predictions, while leading is the measurement of output. The following can be the leading and lagging indicators that could be used to measure the performance:

  • Budgeting and variance approach
  • Estimation and actual
  • Cost and benefits
  • Predictive models and performance measurement.
  • Employee engagement and performance
  • Effective management and success
  • Stakeholder engagement and output (Intra Focus , 2020 )

3. Performance measurement:

Performance measurement is an important factor in achieving the success. The performance measurements tell the situation of the company and elaborate that the company is moving towards the objectives at what speed. Effective performance measurement can be done on the basis of effective monitoring. To do effective monitoring, there are certain factors that are to be considered, and there are certain steps that are taken. Designing the effective monitoring plan, the undertaking of the activities, recommendations for the improvement for the projects, and ensuring the guidelines for effective monitoring were the steps of the effective monitoring. Following performance measures are done for each of the objective and perspective:

  • Financial strategies are based on the returns of shareholders that will be compared with the three main companies in the industries. So, the dividend payment of that company should be considered and monitored. The performance of the financial strategy of the company is based on the dividend policy of the three companies. Monitoring of the annual reports and other financial performance is the method of performance of the financial strategy of the company.
  • The performance of the customers shall be monitored before and after applying the strategies related to gaining the trust and confidence of the customers. The result will be compared with the trey revenue of the company.
  • In internal business performance, the strategies related to the needs of the internal stakeholders and control of the resources are implemented and monitored for the effective results. Employees are motivated and encouraged to do work by eliminating the barriers for employments and offering incentives so that the employees can do effective work and motivating them to do the work. Moreover, internal control focuses on the profitability of the company. So the performance of the strategies related to the achievement of consistent profitability. So the monitoring of performance will ensure the positive growth of profitability of the business.
  • The environmental-related performance objectives of the company will be ensured. The effective performance will ensure that the activities of the company are less harmful to the environment, and the services of the company affect little as compared to the competitors. To achieve the sustainability of the services, knowledge will be necessary. So the related employees will be learned to achieve sustainability, and this learning will ensure effective performance (The Balance Careers ).

References for Advanced Management Accounting

Intra Focus. (2020 ). Lead and Lag Indicators. Retrieved from Intra Focus:

Mengyun Cao, Sun, X., & Zhuge, H. (2018 ). The contribution of a cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific paper—The role of Semantic Link Network.

Project Managemnet. (2020 ). What is a Stakeholder? How to Identify, Analyze, and Manage Project Stakeholders. Retrieved from Project Management:

Balance Careers. (n.d.). Performance Management. Retrieved from The Balance Careers:

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